Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Preliminary Task - Script

          INT. DAY - SCHOOL
          Sound of footsteps coming across corridor in black screen.
          Fade in comes when the door is opened revealing the door and
          young female character walking into the toilet. Looks at
          herself in the mirror where Peter is revealed in the
          background. Emily notices Peter and does not seem surprised
          by him being there.
                              PETER (IMAGINARY FRIEND)
                    When are you going to do it?
                              EMILY (YOUNG FEMALE)
                    I'm not going too.
          Emily moves into the cubicle and puts her head in her hands.
                    We've had it planned now for a long
                    time. If you don't do it we can't
                    be friends anymore, she will split
                    us up. You don't want that do you?
          Emily trying to be demanding while being scared and lifts
          her head from her hands.
                    Stop it Peter. I don't want to. You
                    already caused me to much trouble.
                    You wanted to do it all. It was all
                    done because they were mean to you.
                    I'm not mean to you, I'm the only
                    person who cares about you so go
                    and get it done before I'm taken
                    from you forever.
          Emily thinks about what Peter is saying before being
          interrupted before being interrupted by a woman's voice
          outside the door.
                    Emily, are you in there?
          Emily comes out the cubicle and looks in the mirror before
          Peter screams in her ear.
                    Go and get it done now!
          Emily looks at herself deep in the mirror before stopping
          and leaving the toilet.
                                                         FADE OUT

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