Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Main Task - Production Schedule

Roles, Cast and Crew
Director            Bradley Hammond
Producer           Bradley Hammond
Editor                Bradley Hammond
Lighting             Fergus Murphy
Camera             Dane Hammond
      Phil Nash                Fergus Murphy
        Mystery Man        Dane Hammond
Contact                                                                                                  Required Equipment
Bradley    07519629512                                                                    Cameras                              1
Fergus      07853006203                                                                    Tripod                                  1
Dane         07519629513                                                                   Camera Accessories          1
Filming Date-        Tuesday 28th February 2012 – Wednesday 29th February 2012               
Filming Schedule 
  • Crew to arrive at location 17:00
  • Actors arrive on location at 17:00                                                                                                   
  • Filming commences at 17:30                                                                                            
  • Filming ends at approx 19:30
Required Costume                                                              Required Props
Phil Nash                                                                                                              
-          Aviator Jacket                                                                    Cigarettes
-          Smart dark trousers                                                         Newspaper
-          Smart Shoes                                                                       Keys
-          Black socks                                                                        Lamp
-          Smart white shirt                                                             
Mystery Man
-          Hat                                                                                       Gun
-          Trench Coat                                                      
-          Smart Trousers                                                                                 
-          Smart Shirt
-          Tie
-          Smart black shoes

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