Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Main Task - Character Profiles

Phil Nash
Phil Nash is a lonesome young detective. He is very calm, cool and casual in the way that he works and goes about his business. We usually see him wearing large thick jackets and smoking cigarettes while he thinks to himself about his job and life. He can be very charming to the ladies but has never considered committing to a serious relationship and instead is just very flirty. His calm and casual image is what he uses to attract the ladies. Due to his career choice Nash has more enemies than friends and has learnt to tender and protect for himself and not rely on others.
Mystery Man (Tony Caprano)
Mystery Man is one of Phil Nash’s enemies. He and Nash have had a feud since Nash has been a detective. Caprano was one of the suspects in Nash’s first cases which were never solved. He is an Italian mobster and has links to the Mafia and is highly regarded as one of the city’s top criminals although he hasn’t been caught or charged with any crimes as of now. He gets his men to get his dirty work and will try and stay away from doing any crimes himself.

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