Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Main Task - Actors Info

Fergus Murphy
Fergus is our main character in the production, Phil Nash. Fergus has black short curly hair and a pointy face. He is 16 years old and the costumes worn by him in the production were provided by him. Fergus is a friend of mine who lives locally so it was simple to get him involved in the production as he didn't have to go through too much of an effort to be available. It is very easy to instruct Fergus on how I want him to perform as he previously studied Media for GCSE and knows the whole production process of the films and the deadlines that have to be met.

Dane Hammond
Dane is 15 years old and is my brother. As his role in the film is fairly short and you don't have to see a lot of his face his age didn't really matter. Dane studies GCSE drama so the problem of acting didn't matter although his role was fairly simple. The jacket worn by Dane was also Fergus's which I suggested as I thought it was a very conventional Film Noir piece of clothing. Again, it was very easy to get Dane involved in the production because of his fairly short role being filmed in our house.

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