Thursday, March 8, 2012

Main Task - Props and Costumes

For my Main Task I will be looking to follow conventions of the Film Noir genre. This will include props and costumes. One of the main things that will give my production a more traditonal 1930's feel to it will be the costumes that people wear. You will see characters wearing in Film Noir films are wearing long trench like coats, hats, smart leathers shoes, smart shirts and trousers.

The picture here shows a strong use of the coventional Film Noir costume used. Although this photo is modern we are able to see the similarities described above. We can also notice the strong use of light and shadows here. Something else that is very unique to this photo and also very conventional in Film Noir is the cigarette. This and many other props are used in Film Noir films which are usually associated to detective stories.

Again, the above pohotos show the typical props used in Film Noir films. I am trying to use a gun in my production to show that there is a murder that will take place. I also plan to use cigarettes although this is something that will take commitment from the actors I use due to either of them smoking.

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