Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Chase

For 'The Chase' task we were given 3 hours in total of production to make a chase scene that would be a minute long. These 3 hours of production was split into 3 sections, an hour of planning, an hour of filming and an hour of editing. As the scene was only 1 minute long we didn't feel as if we had enough time to develop a storyline that would fit into an exciting chase scene so instead chose to just produce a chase scene. We first based it on two characters, a smarter dressed 'good guy' and a very casually dressed 'bad guy'. This is something that we thought you should always expect during a chase scene, a hero and a villain. We then decided on the different routes we would take round the school to ensure our chase was exciting as possible. After choosing our different locations we set out on producing a filming schedule that we thought would be accurate enough for the different locations we needed to film at. We knew we needed to be as quick as possible so gave only 10 minutes max and each location. The final thing we did before filming was choose a piece of music. We thought that it would be easier to base the chase scene around music instead of basing music around a chase scene as we can then have an idea what we need to film to fit in with the music.

During filming we were trying to be as quick as possible so in some areas the quality of our footage and the timings of how far the chaser was behind was out of sync due to the hour's time frame. We chose to decide different camera shots and angles we wished to use during our filming instead of planning them in before as we didn't have enough time to plan them fully. We also encountered the problem of time being wasted in certain areas due to other people filming or students around the school. Through all this we were bale to finish filming 10 minutes earlier than we originally thought we would.

Editing the film was easier than expected as all our footgae was shot in chronological order during the chase scene. We simply used clips we liked and didn't use some that had errors. We had a fast paced cutting sequence that lasted about 3 seconds at the start of our film and due to having to scale the video to fit to screen on the YouTube player we lost about 10 minutes of our time during editing. We also noticed that in some camera shots it didn't look realistic to previous cuts as we were running aorund hoping all the shots would be in sync. We also had some shots only once which had errors in such as students in the backgorund which we had to use. In the end we managed to get all our edited done and synced in with the music within the hour time slot.

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