Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preliminary Task - Team Work

In our team I think that pre-production was satisfactory. We got everything we needed to completed and were able to agree on many things such as the storyline and creation of our script. We however at the same time decided to allocate different roles on each other to complete as an individual which may have been better done as a team. When it came to getting actors we didn't get anybody till early Monday that we which was our filming day. I think this was mostly down to me and not going through with asking people and finding someone to act for us. Caitlyn managed to get actors which I wasn't aware of until Monday afternoon. When we were supposed to start filming I still was unaware we had actors and were still filming even though it had been planned. When Caitlyn approached before filming about having the script and production schedule I was unprofessional in the way in which I ignored and continued with what I was doing. This led to Caitlyn completing the production including the filming and directing without me present which was the correct decision from her and was the wrong one from me. I think the lack of communication I had with Caitlyn effected this but with me still refusing to film when we should have been I feel as if I was in the wrong and have let down Caitlyn in the production process.

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