Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Production Roles

Producer – A producer oversees and delivers a project to all relevant parties while preserving the integrity, voice and vision of the film. Get’s the movie made. Creative producer develops the material. Producer’s sometimes assigned to the project. Producer is there to keep the crew and studio off the Director’s back
Director – A director is someone who directs the actors and crew in the making of a project and controls the project’s dramatic aspects. They are responsible for everything you see and hear. They are the manipulator who gets emotions from the audience because of the production. They make the project meaningful and make a script their own idea no matter how good or bad the script is.
Director of Photography – Someone who takes photo with a motion picture camera and is a chief over the cameramen and lighting crew in a project. They tell the man cameraman and lighting crew what to do. If the shot is not well composed, out of focus, misplaced it is the Director of Photography’s fault.
Film Editor – The creative post production process of film making who chooses what the final piece of the film or project looks like. They add in sound, special effects, music and pictures and are responsible for getting to a DVD and to a final piece.
Production Manager - The production manager manages the production budget and production schedule. They also report, on behalf of the production office, to the studio executives or financiers of the film. There job is to spend money wisely so almost make the project a business. Involved in every bit of money and without them the money cannot be spent.
First Assistant Director – The person who helps the director of filmmaker in the creation of the project. Takes the pressure off the director and produces the production schedules for filming. Organizes what is being filmed at a certain time. Edits the production schedule during filming so it fits in with what needs to be done. Shouts ‘Action’ for when they want the crew to do their role.
Sound Operator – The person who is responsible for all the sound in the filming and editing of the project. They are in control of the microphone and responsible for everyone’s sound when they are recording.
Lighting Director – The person who is responsible for following the director’s ideas on where the light goes and manages all the external light in the project. They tell the lighting crew where the light goes.
Writer – The person who writes or creates the project or film and storyline for which it is based on and what the story is about. They write the script for any piece of production or film.

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