Monday, November 14, 2011

Preliminary Task - Our Idea

During the lesson we brainstormed many ideas on what scenario we wanted our production storyline to be based on. We started writing down on ideas on what we thought would make an effective scene.
  • A doctor telling a patient about a serious illness
  • A wife/husband meeting their wife/husband's killer
  • A relative talking through glass with a prisoner at a prison
  • Two high classed businessmen meeting in a lift
  • A thief wearing a balaclava robbing a shop owner
  • A councillor meeting a patient with psychological problems for the first time
  • A person talking to an imaginary friend about their problems
  • A diner scene of a couple talking about their difficulties
After extensive thoughts into what we were going to choose we decided on basing our production on the imaginary friend idea. We thought that we could make the imaginary friend as real as possible which would develop that fear factor of making something real that isn't. We decided that the person with an imaginary friend would be a vulnerable and young teenage girl. This would help to show how powerful the imaginary friend is over the vulnerable teenager which we thought would make the character even more real.

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